Support Services for SMEs

Rental labs for SMEs
In order to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of SMEs, KITECH provides research space and close-range support, tapping into its research infrastructure (personnel, equipment, etc.) for SMEs willing to carry out joint research projects and use equipment efficiently.
Types of support
Facility: Lab space, meeting rooms, basic utility services (electricity, water supply), etc.
Equipment: Test analysis and measurement equipment, pilot product manufacturing equipment, etc.
Technology and joint research: Joint research and development of technologies, guidance and advice on technologies, etc.
지원 Process
Process of support
SMEs (Purpose of joint research and using equipment)
연구기술심의 소위원회
Whether joint research is to be carried out by the applicable regional division or a pilot product manufacturing facility is needed
연구기술총괄 심의위원회
Re-evaluation by the Comprehensive Review Committee
Final approval by the head of KITECH
Within 10 days of the move-in date specified in the contract
Tenancy period: Two years from the move-in date
Tenancy extension: Only once per year
Information shared through exchanges to enhance project effects